
My photography has been featured in digital and print resources for PBS, the BBC, and Fine Cooking. I'm a fan of portraiture, concert, food and nature photography.



Romes, WGBH Front Row Boston
Okilly Dokilly, WGBH Front Row Boston
Metallachi, WGBH Front Row Boston
Metallachi, WGBH Front Row Boston
Mac Sabbath, WGBH Front Row Boston
Mac Sabbath, WGBH Front Row Boston
Rooney, WGBH Front Row Boston
Rooney, WGBH Front Row Boston
Rooney, WGBH Front Row Boston
Audience at Rooney, WGBH Front Row Boston


Haasan Barclay, 617 Sessions
Samantha Brown, PBS Autumnwatch Live
Bob Poole, PBS Autumnwatch Live
Natalia, Chicago, 2013
Jessica, Worcester, 2015
Carissa Johnson and Band, 617 Sessions
Jenna Lotti, 617 Sessions
The Devils Twins, 617 Sessions
Sidney Gish, 617 Sessions
Tara Miller, Portrait Session


Chef Jason Cheek Prepares Mac and Cheese for Thanksgiving, WGBH Food
Au Cheval Bone Marrow, 2013
Southern Proper Brussel Sprouts, WGBH Food
Photos with Pink Asterisks in my Portfolio, from Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking Cookbook
Photos with Pink Asterisks in my Portfolio, from Moveable Feast with Fine Cooking Cookbook
Mac and Cheese, Stuffing and Brussel Sprouts from Southern Proper, WGBH Food
Au Cheval Mille Feuille, 2013
Tiki Glasses at the Boston Shaker, WGBH Food


Ellen Waylonis Instructs on Aerial Arts, Esh Circus Arts, WGBH
Ellen Waylonis and Tim Ellis Practice Acrobatics, Esh Circus Arts, WGBH
Eclipse Party, WGBH
Eclipse Party, WGBH
Behind the Scenes, PBS Autumnwatch Live
Production Meeting, PBS Autumnwatch Live
Production Meeting, PBS Autumnwatch Live
Mike Snoonian is Interviewed by Wicked Bird Media, Wicked Bird Media
Mina Khan, Falling in Love with Math, TEDxBeaconStreet
Amit Sharma, Financial Inclusion – A National Security Imperative, TEDxBeaconStreet

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    Andrea Wolanin